The VRE scientific committee is made up of high-level professionals in the field of extended reality.

Agostino Angeloni

Agostino Angeloni

Recognised as a dynamic, passionate business leader, focused and determined, he's always searching for ways to grow businesses and develop ideas.

As a proven entrepreneur with a strong vision and business grounding, he knows that it's the Team and not the individuals that leads to success.
His objective is to successfully leverage these skills to bring strategic directions, entrepreneurial energy, leadership and integrity to any organization he's involved with.

Currently he's the President and Executive Board Member of Teleconsys.

Valter Casini

Valter Casini

Economista e Umanista, Consulente di Direzione Aziendale e Innovation Manager.  CEO della Morris Consulting, con sede a Roma, Milano e Londra, società di consulenza in strategie, marketing e comunicazione. Ha operato nei settori dell’immateriale: politica, editoria, cinema, tv, moda e beni di lusso, information & communication technologies. Ha curato il marketing e la promozione, nell’ambito della gestione dei diritti, di oltre 3000 film prevalentemente di produzione europea di cui molti hanno vinto Oscar, Venezia, Cannes, Berlino. Trai i recenti incarichi: Presidente ANEC-AGIS del Lazio, Amministratore Delegato di Circuito Cinema, Presidente di Softlab spa, Consulente di Direzione per 16 anni del sistema di finanza regionale del Lazio (FILAS, BIC, UNIONFIDI, SVILUPPO LAZIO).

Joelle Come

Joelle Come

With an artistic university education (master's degree from the Institut Supérieur des Arts in Brussels), Joëlle Comé has over twenty years of experience in managing cultural and international projects, promoting culture, artistic education and cultural policy.

Through a process that led her to the ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross (in the field and then to headquarters in Geneva) to the ECAL école d'art de Lausanne as head of the cinema department, she was active with various mandates in the field of film production before being nominated in 2007 as executive director of the cultural policy of the Canton of Geneva.

Alberto Gallace

Alberto Gallace

Alberto is a professor of applied cognitive neuroscience. His research investigates the cognitive and neural correlates of sensory processing and multisensory integration in real and mediated environments (man-machine interface, VR and AR). He has a special experience in the sense of touch, which he has been studying for more than 10 years and in the study of the neurocognitive correlates of pain / pleasure.

He is director of the university research center MibTec (Technology Center of Mind and Behavior) and deputy director of the Best4Food center (Bicocca Inter for Science and Technology for Food).

Giovanna Marinelli

Giovanna Marinelli

Expert in cultural management. She has been Councilor for Culture, Tourism and Sport; she has supervised and coordinated major projects such as Estate Romana and Notti Bianche of Rome. She teaches in the most important Italian University and collaborates with cultural magazine. In the 2013 she was named Knight in "The Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur" by the French Republic. Currently he is president of QAcademy, social enterprise that realizes projects of cultural and formative nature for public and private institutions.

Lorenzo Montagna

Lorenzo Montagna

For over 20 years, Lorenzo was the Chief Executive Officer of the leading Internet companies in Italy. After this experience, he studied the new revolution of "immersive" technologies: Augmented, Virtual, Mixed Reality. He supported companies in adopting VR/AR. He analyzed the phenomenon of these realities and created a direct relationship with market operators in Europe and America, Universities and Business Schools, Agencies, Customers. This experience is analyzed in a book: Realtà Virtuale e Realtà Aumentata. Nuovi media per nuovi scenari di Business.

Lorenzo Prencipe

Lorenzo Prencipe

Scalabrinian missionary for migrants. He completed his theological studies in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Licentiate in dogmatic theology at the PUG in Rome (1990) and in sociology of communication at the Sorbonne in Paris (1993). Until 2003 he directed CIEMI, the Center for Migration Studies in Paris and “Nuovi Orizzonti Europa”, the magazine for the Italians of France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

In 2009 he was Coordinator of the scientific committee of the National Museum of Italian Emigration-MEI and in 2010 vice-president of FUSIE - Unified Italian Press Federation abroad.

From 2019 he summarizes the Presidency of the Center for Migration Studies (CSER) in Rome and the direction of the scientific journal “Studi Emigrazione”.

Nicola Rosa

Nicola Rosa

Innovation, experience design, strategy and technology expert who worked for Google, Yahoo!, IBM, Spotify, and Atari; Nicola is currently part of the Accenture Digital where he is the Extended Reality Go-To Market Strategy Lead for UKI. With more than 15 years of experience delivering complex B2E, B2B and B2C digital solutions he has an extensive knowledge about mobile, immersive technologies, data visualisation, broadcasting, media and digital entertainment.

Gaetano Tieri

Gaetano Tieri

Assistant Professor at University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza and Phd in Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience. He is an expert in exploring behavioral, physiological and neurophysiological activities by means of Immersive Virtual Reality and conducts research at 1) Virtual reality Lab at Unitelma Sapienza of Rome; 2) at the IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome and 3) Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory at the Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, head Prof. S.M. Aglioti. He is also expert in developing virtual environments for educational proposal in the fields of Psychology and Neuroscience. Since 2019, He is the head of the Virtual Reality Lab at Unitelma Sapienza of Rome

Simone Arcagni

Simone Arcagni

Professor at the University of Palermo. He teaches at the IULM in Milan and at the Scuola Holden in Turin. Scholar of new media and new technologies Simone collaborates with "Nòva - Il Sole 24Ore", "Oxygen", Techno news" " Segnocinema "and other scientific and scientific magazines.

Ha il suo personale blog (Posticinema) sul sito Nova100 di Il Sole 24Ore. Dirige Screencity Journal e EmergingSeries Journal. Membro della International Advisory Board for Web and Transmedia Strategies di Prix Italia di Rai e vice-presidente del LUM (Laboratorio Universitario Multimediale) di Palermo. Consulente e collaboratore per festival, istituzioni, conferenze, serie editoriali, giornali e parte di diversi comitati scientifici nazionali e internazionali. 

Stefano Ciurli

Stefano Ciurli

AD di PTS Group e PTSCLAS, aziende che propongono un approccio interdisciplinare nel mondo della Consulenza integrandola con Innovazione, Finanza e Comunicazione e un’offerta integrata focalizzata sui settori chiave per lo sviluppo italiano (Trasporti, Energia, Infrastrutture, Cultura e Turismo, Pubblica Amministrazione, PMI, Telecomunicazioni, Sport).
Leading expert in the Italian telecom space, having served in key executive positions at Telecom Italia for over 30 years.

Andrey Drobitko

Andrey Drobitko

Founder and CEO at SketchAR. Best Use of AR 2018. Webby Awards winner.

Immersive technologies expert, multidisciplinary artist, and designer. Speaker at tech conferences worldwide.

Member of The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS).

Member of The International Federation Of Artists (UNESCO).

Antonio Libonati

Antonio Libonati

Avvocato, esperto in comunicazione,  lavora al Senato della Repubblica, impegnato nei settori “Affari costituzionali” e “Cultura e educazione” nell’implementazione di strategie di comunicazione e gestione di complessi progetti nella sfera istituzionale. Nel 2015 ha contribuito nella fondazione dell’Associazione Italiana Giovani per l’UNESCO, del quale assume il ruolo di Segretario Generale e Tesoriere. Nel 2019 ne viene eletto Presidente e termina incarico al raggiungimento dei 35 anni di età.

Gaetano Tieri

Gaetano Tieri

Imprenditore in tecnologie digitali con background in ricerca scientifica e PhD in Neurofarmacologia. CEO di Softcare Studios, startup di digital health che utilizza la realtà virtuale ed il data tracking per supportare i pazienti durante la terapia e ottimizzare la routine medica, come nel caso di TOMMI, esperienza di gaming in VR dedicata a pazienti pediatrici ospedalizzati. Divulgatore su nuove innovazione digitale, autore freelance e speaker TEDx su benessere mentale e tecnologie immersive.

Melodie Mousset

Melodie Mousset

Melodie Mousset is a French artist based in Zurich, who oscillates between virtual e and physical realms.

She is the director of HanaHana 花華presented in the first edition of VRE and is cofounder of PATCH, a native VR authoring tool that plays electronic music in a tridimensional space.

She is a lecturer, artist and reasearcher in the disciplines of mixed reality, she creates artistic investigations in surrealist narratives.

Antonella Poce

Antonella Poce

Chair of the INTELLECT Centre- Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
- Scientific coordinator of post graduate courses in Heritage education and Digital Technolgies (UniMoRe) and Museum Education (UniromaTRE)

Ha coordinato diversi progetti in ambito nazionale e europeo sui temi dell’e-learning, la didattica in contesti museali, l’uso delle tecnologie per l’apprendimento e la promozione delle competenze trasversali. Fino al 2020, è stata presidente del comitato NAP (Network of Academics and Professionals) di EDEN (Euopean Distance and E-learning Network).

Marco Sacco

Marco Sacco

Marco Sacco, ricercatore Senior, è a capo della filiale di Lecco della CNR-STIIMA  e della divisone Enterprise Engineering and Virtual Applications. Presidente dell’EuroVR (European Association of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality). I suoi campi di esperienza sono VR/MR/AR, applicati al ciclo di vita dei prodotti, processi e industria, ha varie esperienze di eventi e simulazioni 3D, Knowledge Management e Semantic Web. E’ stato coordinatore di progetti a livello europeo (due tra i più importanti progetti della UE nelle FP-VI e FP-VII), nazionale e regionale. Ha partecipato in qualità di esperto in diversi consigli sia dell’unione europea che a livello nazionale e regionale per la valutazione di progetti di ricerca e sviluppo. Ha pubblicato più di 160 lavori (96 certificati da Scopus, 14 H-Index e 738 citazioni), incluse relazioni in giornali accademici e conferenze.

Antonio Veraldi

Antonio Veraldi

Marketing manager FPA - FORUM PA, a company that for thirty years has organized the exhibition and congress event for digital transformation of Government and Public Health.

I work to build, consolidate and expand networks of public administrators and business managers. My goal is to help spread digital transformation for health: because digital technologies can improve quality of life of elderly people, non self-sufficient people, fragile or suffering from chronic diseases.