Now in its third edition, VRE21 enriches the project proposal with a new challenge: a Call4Ideas aimed at academic spin-offs, teams and innovative startups that present an innovative idea useful for achieving the objectives of Next Generation Italy, the Plan to design the future of our nation:

NeXt Generation Italia

NGI – XR challenge

The idea, the solution or the proposed project must be based on the application of XR technologies (AR, VR, MR), also in combination with other emerging technologies (e.g. Deep Tech, AI, Quantum Computing, Drones, Robotics, ...) and be aimed at supporting the development of at least one of the Mission Components of the PNRR.

The promoters of the initiative, alongside VRE, are Teleconsys (, Innovative SME, expert in digital & open innovation, ptsclas (, società di consulenza, innovazione, finanza e comunicazione, Archangel Adventure (, venture capital italiano che si propone quale cofondatore di startup innovative,  l’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (, Polo di Ricerca Avanzata in Biomedicina e Bioingegneria.

Deadline 31 OTTOBRE 2021