VRE on Site

MAXXI - Museo Nazionale delle
Arti del XXI secolo

Villa Medici Accademia di Francica

Villa Maraini - Istituto Svizzero
di Roma

Aula Magna Unitelma

How to participate

All events are free to access reservation required on dice.fm

The access to the area, for quota purposes, is organized so that the visitors can make use of the spaces in complete respect of the social distance of one meter. At the entrance there will be scanners to measure the temperature. Under any circumstances the entrance will be granted if the body temperature is over 37,5°.

It is necessary to enter the area of the show 15 minutes before the start to allow the event to run smoothly and guarantee the respect of the rules. All guests must be muniti di mascherina e dell’auto-certificazione già compilata.  


VRE will have a dedicated channel where the Official Selection will be available.

How to access VRE’s channel on VeeR VR.

Connect to https://veer.tv/ and click on “Get the App” on the top right. You will be redirected to a page where you can choose the available device to stream VR products.

  • PC and Tablet: click on “Login” in the top left and register creating a profile; after the login you will reach VeeR’s home page. Then click on VRE’s channel.
  • Headset: download the VeeR App on pc depending on the characteristics of the visor you intend on using (ex. VR oculus Go, Rift, Vive); after downloading the app connect the visor to the pc and fill the credential, after the login you will reach VeeR’s home page. Then click on VRE’s channel. 
  • Mobile: download the VeeR App from the Play Store / App Store  and from the home page select VRE’s channel.




The 16th and 17th of October it will be possible to spectate the Talks in live streaming by clicking on the link on VRE’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/vrexperiencerome and on VRE’s Youtube channel VRE – Virtual Reality Experience

To access to the videos of the broadcasted Talks you just need to connect to the same channel and type the Talk’s title in the search bar.